Revision Community Guidelines
Used as a general reference and guideline for the rules and agreements you need to follow on Revision's community server(s), media(s) and platform(s).
- Revision itself (and its Discord server) is NOT tech support in any shape or form.
- Use Google before asking questions.
- No one here is responsible if you break your PC.
- No one is obligated to respond to or help you.
- Be respectful! Treat others just like you would like to be treated.
- Be helpful and show decency towards people that need help.
- We do not allow racism nor sexism. Embrace diversity!
- Do not share content that can be seen as discriminating or degrading by other members.
- Harassing others will result in a ban. Please refrain from excessive trolling or abusing the reaction function.
- Never share personal information.
- No advertisement or self-promoting.
- Do not share/post NSFW (pornographic) nor violent material.
- Don't spam. (e.g, asking the same question in multiple channels.)
- Any misuse of a channel is not allowed. Please use the correct channels at all times.
- Be aware that asking questions will take others time. Only ask if you are sure you can't find the solution on your own.
- Don't share hacks, malware, damaging tweaks or any cracked software.
- If you share files, share them with an explanation on what they do.
- Don't spread misinformation. Do your research before blindly sharing.
- Agree to disagree, everyone has their own opinion. You cannot force your opinion on others.
- If an argument gets heated move it out of the server.